• Conclusion

There was a strong and clear wish to see this pilot project culminate in actionable next steps. The overarching goals identified by participants for future engagement were to increase access to opportunity, to destigmatize and promote mental health, and strengthen a sense of community & identity. Out of the various actionable next steps delineated the most viable are a podcast that uplifts Salvadorian voices, and an oral history and art projects that helps capture and record Salvadorian stories.

Adrienne Castellón is a subsequent-generation Salvadorian-American with a background in Global Affairs and Conflict Resolution. She currently works as a consultant in the NGO sector and is committed to unpacking and furthering the understanding of identity in the Latino community, particularly around dual identity and indigeneity.

Margaret Smith has devoted her professional life to empowering individuals to make a difference in the world around them.  After working some years in the NGO sector, she has taught history, political science and international peacemaking at the university level.  She also has trained as a clinical mental health counsellor.