Senior Advisor, Extractive Industries and Human Development Center

Dr. Yussuf Adam has extensive research and field experience in rural development in Mozambique. Much of his research focuses on the interplay between traditional culture and economic development. He has published widely. Among his books is Escapar aos dentes do crocodilo e cair na boca do leopardo: trajectória de Moçambique pós colonial (1975-1990) (Escaping the Crocodile’s Teeth to Fall into the Mouth of the Leopard: The Trajectory of Post-Colonial Mozambique).

Adam is Professor Emeritus of History and Social Sciences at the University of Eduardo Mondlane, Maputo; he has also been a visiting professor of public health at the Federal University of Bahia in Brazil.

Dr. Adam has conducted research in all of Mozambique’s provinces with a special focus on Cabo Delgado Province. His research has focused on the ruling Frelimo Party’s relationship with the people of Cabo Delgado. More recently, he has taken a lead role in explaining the drivers of violent extremism in Cabo Delgado and the toll it is taking on local communities.